Handle Multiple Business & Social Media Tools in One Place

One place for all your business communication, social media management, invoicing & payments, documents & contracts and more.

Online Reviews

Improve your ratings and build your reputation to win more business.


Reach your customers wherever they are.


Fast, easy, secure payments.

All the tools you need to grow in one place.

Online Reviews

Automate your online reviews with a few simple clicks & respond to reviews in 1 place


Manage your messages with a single inbox for text, Facebook messages, Google messages, and more.


Convert more website visitors into leads & sales conversations with Webchat.


Easy text 2 pay client invoicing. Simplify your client invoicing & get paid faster.

Missed Call Text Back

When you're away, automatically follow up via text so you never lose another customer.

Social Media Management

Handle all social media in once place, bulk schedule your posts to multiple socials, respond to comments on your posts and more.

Online Reviews

Automate Your Online Reviews

Improve your ratings, build your reputation, and get found online by sending review requests via text to recent customers, responding to and interacting with reviewers, and managing it all from a single inbox.

Every Conversation In One Place

Communicate Efficiently With Customers and Leads

Reach your customers wherever they are with text messaging. Request reviews, connect with website visitors, collect payments, respond to Facebook & Google Messages, and market to customers and leads all from your app.

Get Paid Faster Than Ever

Collecting payments isn’t anyone’s favorite job. Make paying as quick and convenient as possible for your customers with a secure payment link delivered right to their phone.

Grow Your Audience

Grow your audience & know where new leads are coming from with Ascend Leads's easy-to-use CRM. Easily import existing leads to make client communication a cinch!

SEO Philadelphia

Web Design Philadelphia

Google Maps Philadelphia

Social Media Marketing Philadelphia

Google Ads


Easily Integrates With Leading Apps

Case Studies

4 examples of how the Ascend Platform has helped small businesses

Case Study 1: Tripled Closing Rates

Challenge: An individual real estate agent (Richard) was struggling to improve their closing rates and increase their overall commission earnings despite a steady flow of leads.

Solution: The agent integrated the Ascend Platform into their workflow, utilizing its advanced CRM functionalities and AI-driven lead nurturing capabilities. This included personalized email campaigns, automated scheduling of follow-up calls, and targeted social media advertising.

Results: By leveraging the platform's analytics to identify the most promising leads and tailoring their marketing efforts accordingly, the agent tripled their closing rates within six months. This significant improvement in conversion rates directly translated into a substantial increase in their commission earnings. The agent attributed their success to the platform's ability to streamline lead management, enhance client engagement, and optimize marketing spend.

Case Study 3: Health and Wellness Clinic

Challenge: A health and wellness clinic aimed to increase patient bookings and improve overall clinic efficiency.

Solution: They leveraged the Ascend Platform to enhance their patient outreach and appointment scheduling processes. This included implementing automated reminders, personalized health tips via email campaigns, and integrating patient feedback surveys.

Results: Within four months, the clinic experienced a 25% increase in patient bookings and a notable improvement in appointment attendance rates. The platform's scheduling optimization tools reduced no-shows by 15%, while personalized communication improved patient engagement and satisfaction. By using data-driven insights to optimize their operational workflows, the clinic achieved higher patient retention and enhanced overall service delivery.

Case Study 3: E-commerce Retailer

Challenge: An e-commerce retailer specializing in outdoor gear struggled with increasing their online sales and retaining customers.

Solution: They implemented the Ascend Platform to optimize their digital marketing efforts. This included using the platform's AI-powered customer segmentation to target specific demographics and behaviors with personalized email campaigns and social media ads.

Results: Within three months, the retailer saw a 40% increase in online sales and a 30% improvement in customer retention rates. The platform's analytics helped them identify the most profitable customer segments and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly. Automated follow-ups and personalized recommendations also enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty, contributing to sustainable revenue growth.

Case Study 4: Doubling Listings in 90 Days

Challenge: A real estate team operating in a competitive market found it challenging to increase their property listings despite active marketing efforts.

Solution: They implemented the Ascend Platform, which included targeted YouTube Ads tailored to specific demographics and geographic areas. They also automated their lead follow-up processes using the platform's CRM tools.

Results: Within 90 days of using the platform, the team successfully doubled their number of property listings. This was achieved through a combination of improved lead generation strategies, more effective nurturing of leads through automated follow-ups, and the ability to track and analyze campaign performance in real-time. The team's increased visibility and streamlined processes allowed them to capture more market share and attract a broader range of sellers.

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The Ascend Platform.

Built By Warley Digital.

Explore a better way to grow

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We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.